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Track and Field

An individual and team sport where athletes complete in a a variety of events on a track.
Individuals compete based on times and teams via a point scoring method.



Monday through Friday at the track.
Practice starts 20 min. after school

Mondays - 4:10 PM
Tuesdays - 4:10 PM
Wednesdays - 3:10 PM

Thursdays - 4:20 PM

Fridays - 4:10 PM 


Getting on the team

All students who meet the following requirements
will be on the team


  • Meet the academic athletic participation requirements

  • Gain athletic clearance via Home Campus by the due date

  • Attend all weekday meets and most practice sessions or risk dismissal from the team at the coach's discretion


The last day to be added to the team roster (must have athletic clearance) is February 20th.

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